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Getting the Best Result from Topical Adapalene

Getting the Best Result from Topical Adapalene

February 26, 2019
Getting the Best Result from Topical Adapalene

Topical Adapalene (gels and creams) both contain 0.1% of Adapalene as its active ingredient. It is a retinoid medication, a derivative of vitamin A used to treat from mild to moderate acne.

Adapalene is a keratolytic or a super exfoliator that works by simply reviving your skin cell turnover. It aids the natural exfoliation of your skin surface. This helps unblock your pores and sebaceous glands from dead skin cells allowing the sebum to escape. Thus, it reduces the formation of spots, bumps and blackheads. Adapalene is also an anti-inflammatory medication that reduces the swelling and the redness of the skin. It is suitable for most people but must not be used by children below 12 years of age and pregnant women.

How to Use It

Apply Adapalene gel once a day before bedtime. All you need is a pea-size applied to the area where you get acne. See to it that before you use Adapalene wash your hands and the affected area with mild soap and water. Use your fingertips when applying the cream or gel. Do not apply of scraped, cut, sunburned or skin affected by eczema. You might feel a slight burning or sting after applying but it will just go away after a few minutes. Your acne might get worse during the first week of your treatment. It only indicates that the medication is working on your acne. It might take you up to 8 to 12 weeks to see results from using this medication. In order to get the most benefit, use it regularly.

Possible Side Effects of Topical Adapalene

Adapalene may cause side effects but it is less irritating than other topical retinoid. Common side effects are:

  • Redness and irritation
  • Peeling, dryness and flaking
  • Mild stinging, burning and itching

Uncommon side effects are:

  • Itching
  • Sunburn
  • Skin discomfort
  • Peeling of the skin

If your skin gets very irritated, use it less frequently. You can also stop using it temporarily.

Getting the Best Result from Topical Adapalene

  • Use moisturizer so as not to trigger breakouts.
  • Adapalene can make your skin sensitive to the sun. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. Avoid sunlamps and tanning booths.  Use sunscreen more often and wear protective clothing.
  • Avoid waxing, electrolysis for hair removal on the treated areas.
  • Pregnant can only use this medication when clearly needed.
  • Use Adapalene with caution if you have used products that contain salicylic acid, sulfur and resorcinol.

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