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Infertility Therapy

Having a child or children is a great happiness and achievement for couples. But there are times when couples cannot bear a child. One reason can be due to infertility. It happens when couples are not able to conceive after having regular unprotected sex. It may be one partner cannot contribute to conception. Any obstruction in the conception may lead to this problem.

Classification of Infertility

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Hucog HP (Liquid Form) – 5000 i.u (HCG)

Hucog HP 5000 i.u has HCG or Human Chronic Gonadotropin as its main constituent. It is a polypeptide hormone from the placental cells of the pregnant women used to treat infertility in men and women. Hucog HP 5000 I.U helps stimulate the development and release of egg cells during ovulation. It is also being used for the late puberty to children.

10 Vial/s - $375.00

Lupi-HCG 5000 i.u. (HCG)

Lupi-HCG 5000 i.u contains Human Chorionic Gonadotropin used for the treatment of infertility. Infertility is a condition when a couple is unable to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse. It is prescribed for both men and women. HCG hormone is derived from the placenta of pregnant women. It plays a vital role in the treatment of infertility issues. Lupi-HCG 5000 i.u helps:

  • Stimulates the release of an egg during the ovulation period.
  • Treats infertility in men and women.
  • Treats disorders in young men
  • Helps in the development of sexual traits in girls.
  • Improve sperm count in men.


1 Vial/s - $65.00

Fertigyn 10000 i.u (HCG)

Fertigyn 10000 IU is an anti-infertility hormone. Its main constituent is Human chronic gonadotropin (HCG). It is a polypeptide hormone generated from the placental cells of pregnant women. It is used in treating infertility problem in men and women. The polypeptide hormone plays a wide role in treating infertility among men and women. It works by:

  • Developing the egg cells in the ovary
  • Increasing the sperm count in men
  • Cure issues of late puberty in children
  • Stops the failure of the ovary and keeps progesterone making.


1 Ampoule/s - $120.00

Sifasi-HP (Highly Purified) 10000 i.u. (HCG)

HCG or Human Chorionic gonadotropin is the main source of Sifasi HP. It is generated from the placental cells of pregnant women and is used to treat infertility in men and women. It is also used to treat pituitary gland disorder in young boys and in undeveloped sexual traits among girls.

1 Ampoule/s - $120.00

Hucog HP (Liquid Form) 10000 i.u (HCG)

Hucog HP 10000 i.u contains HCG or Human Chronic Gonadotropin as its main constituent. It is a polypeptide hormone generated from the placental cells of the pregnant women used to treat infertility in men and women. Hucog HP 10000 I.U is primarily used to stimulate the development and release of egg cells during ovulation. It is also being used for the late puberty to children. Hucog HP 10000 i.u is also effective for weight loss treatment of obesity.

1 Vial/s - $150.00

Fertigyn 5000 i.u. (HCG)

Fertigyn 5000 IU injection is an anti-infertility hormone. It is made of Human chronic gonadotropin (HCG) a polypeptide hormone generated from the placental cells of pregnant women. It is prescribed mainly in treating infertility problem in both men and women. The polypeptide hormone works by:

  • Developing the egg cells in the ovary
  • Cure issues of late puberty in children
  • Increasing the sperm count in men
  • Stops the failure of the ovary and keeps progesterone making.


1 Ampoule/s - $65.00

Corion C 5000 i.u. (HCG)

Corion C-5000 IU is an HCG injection used for both men and women in treating infertility. This drug has Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) that helps the egg cell to develop in woman’s ovary.

1 Vial/s - $65.00

ZyhCG 5000 i.u (HCG)

ZyhCG 5000 i.u is an anti-infertility treatment made from Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It is generated from the placental cells of pregnant women.  ZyhCG 5000 i.u is prescribed for both men and women. ZyHcg works in different ways such as:

  • Developing the egg cells in the ovary
  • Cure issues of late puberty in children
  • Increasing the sperm count in men
  • Stops the failure of the ovary and keeps progesterone making.


1 Vial/s - $65.00

Ovidac 2000 i.u. (HCG)

Ovidac 2000 I.U is an infertility treatment medication. The main content of this medicine is Human Chronic Gonadotropin (HCG). Ovidac 2000 I.U is from the placental cells of pregnant women. This is used to treat infertility for both men and women. This can also treat late puberty issues in children.

1 Vial/s - $25.00

Hucog HP (Liquid Form) 2000 i.u

HCG or Human Chronic Gonadotropin is the main constituent of Hucog HP. It is a polypeptide hormone from the placental cells of the pregnant women. Hucog HP 2000 I.U helps stimulate the development and release of egg cells during ovulation. Hucog HP 2000 I.U is used for infertility issues for both for men and women. It is also being used for the late puberty to children.

1 Vial/s - $40.00


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