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Sifasi-HP (Highly Purified) 10000 i.u. (HCG)

Sifasi-HP (Highly Purified) 10000 i.u. (HCG)


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HCG or Human Chorionic gonadotropin is the main source of Sifasi HP. It is generated from the placental cells of pregnant women and is used to treat infertility in men and women. It is also used to treat pituitary gland disorder in young boys and in undeveloped sexual traits among girls.

Generic : Novarel
Active Ingredient's : HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
Brand : Sifasi-HP (Highly Purified) - 10000 i.u.
Manufacturer : Serum Institute
Pack SizeStrengthPrice 
5-ampoule-s 10000 i.u. $375.00
3-ampoule-s 10000 i.u. $225.00
1-ampoule-s 10000 i.u. $75.00


Why use Sifasi-HP 10000 i.u?

Sifasi-HP 10000 i.u is an injection form of treatment for infertility. It is being used by women who are not able to get pregnant due to the imbalance of hormones in the body. It will also treat male infertility due to lack of specific hormonal secretion by increasing the sperm counts. Sifasi-HP 10000 i.u is available here for only $31.87 per 1 ampoule of 10000 i.u.

How does Sifasi -HP 10000 i.u works?

Sifasi-HP 10000 i.u contains pure Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or HCG. It works by stimulating the release of egg cells in the ovary of female during ovulation. It also promotes the production of testosterone in the testis thus increasing the sperm counts. The effect of Sifasi-HP in the body occurs after 6 hours of injection. The effect will stay in the body for duration of 10 to 24 hours.

How to use Sifasi- HP 10000 i.u?

Use Sifasi-HP 10000 i.u as directed by your physician. Do not swallow the product or taken orally. It is injected in the muscle or under the skin.  After injecting, throw the needle properly. Do not use less or greater amount than what is recommended.

What are the side effects of Sifasi-HP 10000 i.u?

Sifasi-HP 10000 i.u may cause any unwanted effects. In such cases, you must call your doctor right away. The Minor and major side effects of Sifasi-HP 10000 i.u include:

  • Stomach Pain and Bloating
  • Vomiting and Nausea
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Weight gain
  • Irritability and Headache
  • Allergic skin reactions
  • Enlargement of breasts
  • Sleeplessness
  • Pain in the injection site

Warnings and Precautions

Discuss with your doctor all the risk and benefit of the Sifasi-HP before using.

Do not use Sifasi-HP injection if:

  • You are allergic to any of its content
  • You are already pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You attained puberty at your early age
  • You have cancer of the prostate
  • You are taking beverages that have an alcohol content

Inform your doctor if you have any of the following;

  • Thyroid gland disorder
  • Cancer or tumor of uterus, breast, ovary, hypothalamus, and prostate gland
  • Uterine bleeding
  • Premature puberty and an ovarian cyst
  • Kidney or heart disease
  • Asthma, Migraines, and epilepsy

Additional information

Pack Size

1 Ampoule/s, 3 Ampoule/s, 5 Ampoule/s


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