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Rijunurone Injection 1ml (Methylcobalamine)

Rijunurone Injection 1ml (Methylcobalamine)

(1 customer review)


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Rijunurone injection is a natural Vitamin B12. It is known as a pure form of Vitamin B12. This is a vital body function and cell multiplication. It is also for protein synthesis and blood formation. Vitamin B12 is responsible for the production of red blood cells. It is also important for the proper function of the nervous system.

Generic : RijunuroneInj
Active Ingredient's : Methylcobalamine
Brand : RijunuroneInj-1ml
Pack SizeStrengthPrice 
6-injection 1ml $34.50
3-injection 1ml $17.25
1-injection 1ml $5.75


Why buy Rijunurone Injection 1ml (Methylcobalamine)?

Rijunurone Injection 1ml (Methylcobalamine) is used for the treatment of anemia. This is also used to treat tingling sensations. Anemia is a deficiency of the red blood cell. It results in pallor and weakness. Rijunurone is also used for severe nerve damage. It is used for the prevention and control of certain nerve illness. Rijunurone is also used for diabetic neuropathy. It is also used for the preliminary treatment of lateral sclerosis.  This is approved in the US. Rijunurone is available here for $3.93.

How does Rijunurone Injection 1ml (Methylcobalamine) work?

Methylcobalamin is the main ingredient of Rijunurone injection. This is responsible for easing the enzymes. The enzymes are needed for the production of energy inside the cell. It has a major role in the formation of blood components. Rijunurone plays a major role in the recovery of nerve cells. It maintains the proper function of the nerve cell. Rijunurone prevents peripheral neuropathy. The working of this medicine can be seen in 3 hours after injection.

How to use Rijunurone Injection 1ml (Methylcobalamine)?

The dose of this injection depends on the condition of the patient. Follow all the instructions if you are using this at home. Rijunurone is to be used as per prescription. Do not use more amount than what is given. This is injected in the muscle or vein. Complete the treatment course for best results. Inform your doctor before you will stop using the medicine. In case of overdose, seek for medical help right away. Visit your doctor regularly while you are on the treatment. The duration of the treatment will be set by the doctor.

What are the side effects of Rijunurone Injection 1ml (Methylcobalamine)?

Rijunurone injection may cause rare or severe side effects. However, the side effects of Rijunurone do not come very often. The side effects are:

  • Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea
  • Decreased appetite, dizziness
  • A headache, Skin rash, chest pain
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort

This is not the complete list of the side effects of this medicine. In case of persistent situations call your doctor right away.

Warnings and Precautions

  • Do not use this if you have a history of liver disease
  • This is not for pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol if you are on the treatment
  • Keep this away from the reach of children
  • Store this in a room away from heat and moisture
  • Check the solution before injecting. Do not use expired drugs

Additional information

Pack Size

1 Injection, 3 Injection, 6 Injection

1 review for Rijunurone Injection 1ml (Methylcobalamine)

  1. Megan Morrison

    Got some shots to treat my vitamin b12 deficiency. I noticed that my skin starts to lighten up after a week of taking it. It has been yellowish state for quite some time. I feel better now. I feel lighter and the world seems clearer. It seems that my sickness is slowly subsiding.

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