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Premarin Vaginal Cream 14gm (Conjugated Estrogens)

Premarin Vaginal Cream 14gm (Conjugated Estrogens)


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Premarin Vaginal Cream 14gm is a conjugated estrogen cream. It is used by menopausal women who suffer from urinary and vaginal symptoms like:

  • Itching
  • Dryness
  • Burning around the vaginal area
  • Painful sexual intercourse

Premarin vaginal cream is also used to treat the symptoms of breast cancer and prostate cancer that has spread through the body.

Generic : Premarin Vaginal Cream
Active Ingredient's : Conjugated Estrogens
Brand : Premarin Vaginal Cream - 14 gm
Manufacturer : Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Pack SizeStrengthPrice 
6-cream 14 gm $110.00
3-cream 14 gm $60.00
1-cream 14 gm $20.00


Why buy Premarin Vaginal Cream (Conjugated Estrogens)?

Premarin Vaginal Cream 14gm (Conjugated Estrogens) is an effective cream in treating the symptoms of menopause. Menopausal symptoms are caused by less estrogen produced by the ovary. It is also used in states where there is a deficiency of estrogen due to the removal of the ovary. Premarin Vaginal Cream – 14gm is manufactured by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. It is available here for reasonable price.

How does Premarin Vaginal Cream 14gm (Conjugated Estrogens) work?

Premarin vaginal cream has Conjugated Estrogen, a mixture of different estrogen. It works by treating the symptoms of menopause. The menopausal period usually occurs around 45-55 years of age where the body produces less estrogen.

How to use Premarin Vaginal Cream 14gm (Conjugated Estrogens)?

Read all the instruction in the product package. Use this cream after bath or after cleaning the vaginal area. Apply the cream in the vagina using the applicator. Apply it in and outside the areas of the vagina. Insert the applicator into the vagina and press. Let the cream out. Wash the applicator with mild soap after using. Do not boil or use hot water to clean the applicator. The usual dose of the cream is 0.50 to 2gm for 21 days. Use the lowest dose as given. Wash your hands before and after using the vaginal cream.

What are the side effects of Premarin Vaginal Cream 14gm (Conjugated Estrogens)? 

The side effects that are listed below do not come very often. These are the common side effects of the vaginal cream:

  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Genital Rashes
  • Vaginitis or vaginal bleeding
  • Burning sensation or irritation

This is not the complete list of the side effects of the Premarin cream. Tell your doctor if there is a persistent side effect.

Warnings and Precautions

Things to be noted on or before using the Premarin vaginal Cream:

  • The Premarin Vaginal Cream is not for Children
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure
  • Alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, and cigarettes can affect the action
  • Do not alter the dosage in using Premarin Vaginal Cream

Do not use this cream if:

  • You are allergic to the content of the vaginal cream
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You have a history of breast and uterine cancer
  • Do not use this cream for unhealthy sexual practices

Inform your doctor if:

  • You have liver problems and diseases
  • You have irregular vaginal bleeding
  • You have Hyperplasia

Additional information

Pack Size

1 Cream, 3 Cream, 6 Cream


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