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Oxitan (Oxiplatin)

Oxitan (Oxiplatin)


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Oxitan (Oxiplatin) is an anti-cancer medication. It is used during chemotherapy to treat an advanced cancer of the colon and the rectum. Oxitan is used in combination with other drugs to slow down or to stop the growth of cancer cells.

Generic : Eloxatin
Active Ingredient's : Oxiplatin
Brand : Oxitan
Manufacturer : Fresenius Kabi
Pack SizeStrengthPrice 
5-injection 100mg/50ml $302.50
3-injection 100mg/50ml $181.50
1-injection 100mg/50ml $60.50
5-injection 50mg/25ml $154.00
3-injection 50mg/25ml $92.40
1-injection 50mg/25ml $30.80


Why buy Oxitan (Oxiplatin) for colorectal cancer?

Oxitan belongs to the platinum-based antineoplastic family of drugs. It is the newest platinum derivative used in standard chemotherapy. Oxitan is on the WHO list of essential medicines. It is one of the most effective and safe medicines needed in the health system. You can buy Oxitan here at a very reasonable price.

How does Oxitan (Oxiplatin) work?

Oxitan injection contains Oxaliplatin as an active ingredient. It is a chemotherapy drug that contains platinum. Oxitan works by destroying the cancer cells and by stunting the growth of the tumor. From various studies, Oxitan fights carcinoma of the colon through non-targeted cytotoxic effects. The cytotoxic effect results from the inhibition of the DNA synthesis in the cells prevents the DNA to replicate and transcribe. This causes the cancerous cells to die.

How to use Oxitan (Oxiplatin)?

Oxitan is given intravenously by a healthcare professional. Oxitan is given every two weeks along with other medications like leucovorin and fluorouracil. You usually have it as an outpatient. It is usually given in multiple cycles. It is very important to receive your dose as scheduled.

What are the side effects of Oxitan (Oxiplatin)?

Oxitan can cause side effects like any other chemotherapy drugs. Some side effect can be serious like:

  • Pain, swelling and redness at the injection site
  • Unusual bleeding and bruising
  • Mood change
  • Signs of too much water loss
  • Decreased urination
  • Signs of kidney problems
  • Swelling, pain in the arms, Legs and calf
  • Chest pressure
  • Pins and needles sensation
  • Fainting
  • Severe dizziness
  • Black stool
  • Dark-colored vomit
  • Blurred vision
  • Serious allergic reaction

Temporary hair loss may rarely occur but after the treatment has ended, your normal hair growth shall return. Tell your doctor if you develop any of the mentioned side effects.

Warning and Precautions

The following are warning and precautions that you need to remember when having Oxitan:

  1. This drug is not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  2. Oxitan can cause severe kidney and liver damage.
  3. This drug can lower your white blood cells and platelets. Do not start using Oxitan if your blood cell count is low.
  4. Patients who are using this medication have a greater risk of having an infection.
  5. Discontinue using Oxitan in case of an allergic reaction.

Additional information

Pack Size

1 Injection, 3 Injection, 5 Injection


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