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Neomercazole 5mg (Carbimazole)

Neomercazole 5mg (Carbimazole)

(1 customer review)


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Neomercazole 5mg is an oral prescription drug.  It is an anti-thyroid medicine prescribed for children and adults who have an overly-active thyroid gland or also known as hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism develops when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. Too much thyroid hormone can cause the body’s function to speed up. This results in tiredness, sudden weight loss, diarrhea, sweating, irritability, tremble and menstrual cycle problems in females.

Generic : Neomercazole
Active Ingredient's : Carbimazole
Brand : Neomercazole-5mg
Pack SizeStrengthPrice 
150-tablet-s 5mg $14.64
130tablet-s 5mg $12.68
100-tablets 5mg $9.77


Why buy Neomercazole 5mg (Carbimazole) for an overactive thyroid gland?

Neomercazole-5mg is an effective medication against too much thyroid hormone production. This drug reduces the formation of thyroid hormones and prevents several complications brought by this ailment. It is used alone or together with other treatment. Neomercazole-5mg is manufactured by Abbott Healthcare. It is suitable for children and adult. You can buy this drug here at a very reasonable price.

How does Neomercazole 5mg (Carbimazole) work?

Neomercazole 5mg contains Carbimazole as an active ingredient. This drug works directly on the thyroid gland so the gland won’t produce too much thyroid hormone. Carbimazole is metabolized rapidly by the gland after absorption into its active form methimazole. It inhibits the action of thyroid peroxidase enzyme. This enzyme is involved in the iodination and coupling of thyroglobulin used in the synthesis of the thyroid hormone. You may not feel the effect of this medication right away after administration but it can take up to four to eight weeks for the thyroid hormone to come down.

How to use Neomercazole 5mg (Carbimazole)?

Take Neomercazole-5mg exactly as prescribed by your physician. This drug is in tablet form that you need to take by mouth with a glass of water. You can take this drug before or after consuming foods. Your dose depends on your condition, your age and the severity of your condition. The usual recommended dose is 5 mg twice a day. The ideal time is 10 to 12 hours apart.  You’ll need to take this drug for up to 18 months.

 What are the side effects of Neomercazole 5mg (Carbimazole)?

Neomercazole 5mg (Carbimazole) may cause some unwanted side effects. Common side effects include:

  • Upset stomach
  • Headache
  • Joint pains
  • Hair loss
  • Fever
  • Itching
  • Feeling sick
  • Skin rashes
  • Tiredness

In case you will experience side effects not listed above, contact your physician right away.

Warnings and precautions

Things to remember when using Neomercazole-5mg:

  • Do not donate blood for at least 2 years while taking this drug.
  • Have a regular blood test to check for the thyroid hormone levels.
  • If you develop a sore throat, mouth ulcers, fever and bruising while taking this drug, consult your doctor right away.
  • Do not take this drug if you have severe liver problems and problems with your blood cells.

Additional information

Pack Size

100 Tablets, 130Tablet/s , 150 Tablet/s

1 review for Neomercazole 5mg (Carbimazole)

  1. Jolie Barron

    I have been on it for 3 weeks now and I’m starting to gradually gain weight again. My body was below normal weight due to hyperthyroidism. Mood is improving as well. The medicine won’t work instantly especially on the first week so you’ll need to be patient but once the effects kicks in, you’ll notice the difference once you look back a month before.

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