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Musli Power Xtra 500mg

Musli Power Xtra 500mg

(1 customer review)


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Musli Power Xtra is a rare herb that is found in India. It acts as an aphrodisiac. This is used as a traditional system of medicine. It is used in boosting vitality. This is also used in treating various conditions. Musli Power Xtra is also used to improve sexual performance. This is also a powerful anti-asthmatic.

Generic : MusliPowerXtra
Active Ingredient's : Musli,Kapikachu,Sigru,Amalaki,Gokshuram,
Brand : MusliPowerXtra-500mg
Manufacturer : KunnathPhatmaceuticals
Pack SizeStrengthPrice 
360-capsule-s 500mg $200.00


Why buy Musli Power Xtra 500mg?

This is used for sexual performance. Musli Power Xtra has excellent sex stimulator. It is effective in treating erectile dysfunction. Thus, increases sexual activities.  Musli Power Xtra gives strength and stamina in men. This is also a relief for menopausal complaints of women. It is used to increase semen volume. Musli Power Xtra is also good in treating liver disorders. Musli Power Xtra is available here for $200.00.

How does Musli Power Xtra 500mg work?

It contains natural ingredients. It works by releasing anti-inflammatory effects. Musli Power Xtra also works by increasing sexual activity. The work of Musli Usually starts in 2 weeks of treatment. It works best if you have no severe diseases. Musli Power Xtra increases the immunity of the body. Thus, prevents diseases. It also stops early ejaculation and acts as a sexual stimulant. This increases sperm count. Musli Power Xtra is also good in treating renal stone diseases.

How to use Musli Power Xtra 500?

Take two Musli Power Xtra capsule per day. This is usually taken before bedtime. You may take the capsule with water or milk. Musli Power is taken in 45 days. Do not stop taking the capsule unless the 90 capsules are over. Complete the treatment course for best results. This is taken as per prescription. The effect of this drug usually lasts for 2 years. This is when you complete the course. Do not take more dose than what is allowed. Avoid breaking the capsule to prevent any severe situations. This is taken even without food.

What are the side effects of Musli Power Xtra 500mg?

Musli Power Xtra has no reported severe side effects. This is made from a natural product. However, this has side effects as any other drug. The side effects vary from one person to the other. Tell your doctor in case of severe or persistent cases. You may also seek help in your nearest health care center. Minor and major side effects must be reported to the doctor.

Warnings and Precautions

  • This is not for breastfeeding or pregnant women
  • Do not give Musli Power Xtra to 18 years old and below
  • Keep this away from the reach of Children
  • Musli Power Xtra does not prevent sexually spread diseases
  • This is not used to treat severe or life-threatening diseases
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol if you are taking this

Additional information

Pack Size

360 Capsule/s 

1 review for Musli Power Xtra 500mg

  1. Andrew Carson

    I found out about this from a cousin of mine. He was taking this for his erectile disfunction and shared to me that it works really well in providing more vitality. So I also tried ordering this and the package arrived last week. I started taking it the night it arrived and I’m now on my 6th day and I can say that it does really work. My partner is definitely happy. Also, I noticed that my asthma attacks were almost non-existent since I started it. Before trying this drug, I usually get mild asthma attacks every day because of the ongoing construction near our workplace. I’m glad I gave this herb a go. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone.

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