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Loette 100ug + 20ug (Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol)

Loette 100ug + 20ug (Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol)


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Loette is an oral contraceptive pill. It contains a synthetic progesterone, Levonorgesterol and estrogen used for the prevention of pregnancy. It is an emergency contraceptive used after an unprotected intercourse or after a suspected contraceptive failure. This medicine is not recommended to patients who did not yet experience the first onset of their menstruation. It does not protect you from any sexually transmitted diseases.

Generic : Seasonique
Active Ingredient's : Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol
Brand : Loette - 100 ug + 20 ug
Pack SizeStrengthPrice 
84-tablet-s 100 ug + 20 ug $40.84
42-tablet-s 100 ug + 20 ug $20.42
21-tablet-s 100 ug + 20 ug $10.21


Why buy Loette 100ug + 20ug (Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol) as an oral contraceptive pill?

Loette 100ug + 20ug (Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol) is a combination pill. It is mostly prescribed by doctors for the prevention of ovulation. It is also being used for the treatment of irregular periods. It can also lower the pain during your period or it decreases blood loss. Loette is also used to decrease the risk of ovarian cyst. This will also treat acne. Loette is available here for $10.21 only.

How does Loette 100ug + 20ug (Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol) work?

Loette contains Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol as active ingredients. Levonorgestrel is a progesterone hormone while Ethinylestradiol is an estrogen. Both hormones work by stopping the release of an egg cell from the ovaries. It makes cervical mucus be stickier. It changes the cervical lining and uterine. Through this, the sperm cell will find hard to reach the egg in the uterus wall. This also replaces the hormone estrogen that is usually produced in the body.

How to use Loette 100ug + 20ug (Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol)?

Use Loette 100ug + 20ug (Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol) according to your doctor’s prescription. Take one pill a day with a glass full of water. Use this for as long as you are prescribed by your doctor. This can be taken by mouth even without eating. Do not go on 24 hours without taking the pill. Take the pill at the same time each day.

What are the side effects of Loette 100ug + 20ug (Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol)?

An overdose of this pill may result in vaginal discomfort. Some of the commonly seen side effects are;

  • Breast pain or persistent change mood
  • Yellowish skin or eyes
  • Breast lump, disturbance in speech or vision
  • Abdominal pain or Nausea
  • Cheat heaviness or pain and Headache

This is not the complete list of the side effects of Loette. The side effects vary in different people. In case of severe side effects, call your doctor right away.

Warnings and Precautions

Do not take this drug if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Tell your doctor if you:

  • Have chest pain or suspected breast cancer
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding or gallbladder dysfunction
  • Have liver impairment and womb problems
  • Have a Migraine, Asthma and any heart disease or hypertension

Always remember the following:

  • Do not give this to anyone without a prescription
  • Stop smoking or taking alcohol while you are on the treatment
  • Inform your doctor about the drug that you are taking along with this
  • Store this in a room away from heat, light, and moisture
  • Keep this away from the reach of children
  • Do not take this if you have jaundice on your previous contraceptive

Additional information

Pack Size

21 Tablet/s , 42 Tablet/s , 84 Tablet/s


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