Why use Hucog HP?
Hucog HP 2000 I.U is a natural hormone prescribed as an injectable that helps improves fertility. It encourages egg release in women and increases the sperm production among men. It also helps treat sex hormone-linked conditions like the underdeveloped sexual traits in girls and undescended testes in young men. The concentration in the body occurs 6 hours after injection. The medicine is active in the body for 10-24 hours. Hucog HP is available here at a very affordable price.
How does Hucog HP work?
Hucog HP has Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) content that helps treat infertility for both men and women. Hucog HP 2000 I.U stimulates hormones in the ovary and testis for the normal development of eggs cells and an increase number of sperm cells.
How to use Hucog HP?
Hucog HP is given through an injection. It is injected under the skin or into a muscle. Do not do self-injections if you do not understand the process. Throw the needle properly after using. Inform your doctor if you will stop using the Hucog HP.
Hucog HP can be injected even without eating a meal. More directions on how to use are written in the product package. Do not inject small or large amount than what is given.
What are the side effects of Hucog HP?
Hucog HP may result in any unwanted effects. In this case, you must call for medical help right away. Below is not the whole list of the side effects of Hucog HP. These are the commonly seen side effects of the Hucog HP;
- Bloating and fast weight gain
- Stomach and Pelvic pain
- Vomiting and nausea
- Allergic skin reactions
- Irritability
- Breast enlargement
- A Headache
- Pain in the injection site
- Sleeplessness
Warnings and Precautions
Discuss with your doctor all the risk and benefit of the Hucog HP before using. Before using the Hucog HP inform your doctor if you have any of the following:
- Thyroid gland disorder
- Premature puberty and an ovarian cyst
- Cancer or tumor of uterus, breast, ovary, hypothalamus, and prostate gland
- Uterine bleeding
- Kidney or heart disease
- Asthma, Migraines, and epilepsy
Do not use Hucog HP if you are:
- Pregnant and breastfeeding
- Are allergic to the gonadotropic medication
- Are suffering from prostate cancer
- Taking alcohol or any beverage that has an alcohol content
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