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Herbal Tea Sleep (Natural Product)

Herbal Tea Sleep (Natural Product)


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Herbal Tea Sleep is a combination of natural herbs that promotes for better sleep. The natural ingredients are proven to exhibit calming effects that reduce stress and support good sleep. Regular intake of Herbal Tea Sleep will not only reduces stress and promotes good sleep. It can also protect against certain type of cancers and improve skin health.

Generic : Herbal Tea Sleep
Active Ingredient's : Natural product
Brand : Herbal Tea Sleep
Manufacturer : Eric Favre Wellness, France
Pack SizeStrengthPrice 

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


Why Use Herbal Tea Sleep?

Herbal Tea Sleep is caffeine free and is used as a bedtime tea. It has delicious and warming flavors as well. It promotes better sleep and relaxation. It calms restlessness and anxiety. Herbal Tea sleep is also useful in blood sugar control. All the ingredients of this tea can create a lovely aroma. Proper sleep and rest will improve good health of the heart. Herbal Tea Sleep is available here for $5.74 only.

How does Herbal Tea Sleep work?

Herbal Tea sleep is made from all natural products. It works by giving a good time sleep and rest of the body. It also reduces stress as it supports sleep. The main ingredient of this tea is Chamomile. It works as anti-oxidant that reduces insomnia. This will also help the digestive health as it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Herbal tea sleep also prevents bone loss.

How to use Herbal Tea Sleep?

Herbal tea sleep is available in tea bags. Boil water for 5 to 10 minutes. Dip one bag of herbal tea in a cup of boiled water. Soak it in 3 to 4 minutes. You can also add honey or sugar. Drink this before bedtime. The use of this product does not depend on food timings. Herbal Tea Sleep is used under a doctor’s prescription. Know all the benefits and risk before using Herbal Tea sleep.

What are the side effects of Herbal Tea Sleep?

This product doesn’t t have any reported severe side effects. The side effects may depend on many factors like sex, age, and condition. In case of any side effects, call a doctor right away. Herbal Tea sleep is an all-natural product. The side effects may not come very often. Side effects of this product may also not come at all.

Warnings and Precautions

Herbal tea sleep is not for those who have allergies to its content. Take note of the following:

This product is not a treatment or prevention of any severe diseases

  • Do not Freeze Herbal Tea sleep
  • Keep this away from moisture and heat
  • Keep this in an airtight container
  • Consult a doctor before using this if you are pregnant or breastfeeding

Additional information

Pack Size

20 Sachets 


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