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GCin 320mg (Gemifloxacin)

GCin 320mg (Gemifloxacin)

(1 customer review)


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G Cin 320mg is a broad range antibiotic. It is used to treat severe and chronic bacterial infections like:

  • Acute bronchitis
  • Mild to moderate pneumonia

It cures infections that are caused by a certain type of bacteria. It provides relief from intense congestions and severe coughing, breathlessness and tiredness.

Generic : Factive
Active Ingredient's : Gemifloxacin
Brand : GCin-320mg
Pack SizeStrengthPrice 
90-tablet-s 320mg $94.59
60-tablets 320mg $63.06
30-tablet-s 320mg $31.53


Why use GCin 320mg for bacterial infections?

G Cin 320 mg is mainly used for the treatment of respiratory tract infections. It is active for the gram-positive bacteria that cause disease like chronic bronchitis and pneumonia. G Cin 320 mg is approved by U.S Food and Drug Administration. You can buy G Cin 320 mg here at a very affordable price.

How does GCin 320mg work?

Gemifloxacin is the main ingredient of G Cin 320 mg. It works by preventing the proteins used by the bacterial in forming their cell wall. It stops the growth of the bacteria and prevents it from replication and spreading. The onset of action of G Cin 320 mg occurs within 2 hours after taking. The duration of the effect can last for 24 hours.

How to use GCin 320mg?

The use of G Cin 320 mg depends on several factors. The exact dose and duration of treatment will be set by the doctor. Take G Cin 320 mg exactly as prescribed. Take one tablet a day with a glass of water. You can take G Cin 320 mg even without eating a meal. Avoid crushing or breaking the tablet. Take the dose until the treatment time is over. Do not stop taking if you are in the midway of the treatment. Inform your doctor before you will stop taking. Taking G Cin 320 mg with food will prevent the risk of stomach upset.

What are the side effects of GCin 320mg?

Inform your doctor in case of persistent and severe side effects. The major and minor side effects are:

  • Vomiting, dizziness, headache
  • Nausea, diarrhea and rash, fever
  • Lightheadedness, slow urination
  • Stomach pain, weak pulse

The side effects of G Cin 320 mg do not come very often. The list above is not the complete detail of side effects.

Warnings and Precautions

  • Use this drug only for the purposes that are listed here
  • Do not freeze G Cin 320 mg. Store this in a room away from heat and moisture.
  • Do not use GCin if you are breastfeeding or pregnant

Additional information

Pack Size

30 Tablet/s, 60 Tablets, 90 Tablet/s

1 review for GCin 320mg (Gemifloxacin)

  1. Erin Fraser

    I had some throat infection more than 2 weeks ago. My doctor prescribed me some Factive and found it to be a bit pricy. Good thing I got a friend who has the same meds in stock. It was a different brand but it still says Gemifloxacin. After drinking it, I was a bit nauseous for a few days, and I was worried that it was me drinking the wrong meds since it was not the brand my doctor prescribed. I searched the internet and found out that Factive had similar or worse side effects than what I had felt. It was an uncomfortable experience for that few days but it seems like my experience was better than the others and only lasted for a short while. My friend bought his stock from this site.

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